Monday, June 16, 2008

Giant, prehistoric lies

CASE has recently become aware of the website CreationWiki. At first CreationWiki appears to be a well-presented, well-researched wiki into the origins of, among other things, life on this planet. In order to test the veracity of CreationWiki, CASE decided to compare its contents with Wikipedia entries regarding dinosaur.

Wikipedia states, in its introduction to the topic of dinosaurs that:-

Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrate animals of terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) to the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), when most of them became extinct in the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event.

Creationpedia on the other hand, gives this account:-

[M]ost creationists believe that dinosaurs coexisted with mankind on Earth and lived recently. Biblical support for this perspectives is drawn from the Genesis 1 where it states that all animals were created on the sixth day of creation along with humans.

Although this is the position of theists, CASE did note the following would have been obviously rejected by even a student of significantly low intellect:-

It is furthermore presumed they were still alive at the time of the global flood and taken on board Noah's ark. Evidence to support this perspective includes:

CASE felt this was somewhat misleading and could fool a child into believing the wrong thing. Accordingly, CASE sought to make the following change:-

It is furthermore presumed they were still alive at the time of the global flood and taken on board Noah's ark. Evidence to support this perspective includes:

  • Because God says so

However, it appears that CreationWiki can only be amended by authorised CreationWiki writers, which is fair enough in a robust democracy where your views are correct. So, under completely false pretenses CASE electronic warfare division applied to be an author of CreationWiki. We shall keep you informed.

CASE's help cannot come fast enough, after all, CreationWiki will be in real trouble if quotes like this are not deleted:-

Tony asks him how Adam and Eve could have lived in the Garden of Eden with a carnivorous tyrannosaurus, and instead of explaining that tyrannosaurs would have been vegetarians back then, instead gives him a book and leaves.

What big teeth you have Mr Tyrannosaur?

All the better to eat grass with.

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